How to maintain good health

 Make it a habit to do these simple things

 to stay healthy today


Health is such a wealth without which a long life becomes a burden. When it comes to good health, people get quite confused and even experts seem to have conflicting opinions.


However, despite all the disagreements, there are some things to achieve good health that have been solidly confirmed by science.

So, learn such best tips that by adopting today, you can keep various diseases away from yourself and stay healthy.


Eat slowly

Eat slowly rather than rushing through your food. This allows your brain to know when your stomach is full, which helps prevent overeating. People who eat slowly tend to choose healthier foods.


Social Interaction

It's not how many people you know or how often you meet them that matters. What matters is the genuine connection you have with other people, which not only keeps you happy but also protects you from medical problems.


Use fruit instead of juice

If you like to drink fruit juice, it is better to make it a habit to eat fruit. Even 100% pure juice does not contain the nutrients of the fruit, while the sweetness is quite high, which is harmful to health. Fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, fiber and folic acid, while they are very low in calories and fat.


Take time for yourself

Taking time to strengthen relationships with family and friends improves both physical and mental health. People who take vacations live longer and have a lower risk of heart disease.


Watch your fat

You should watch out for trans fats, which are fats used in junk food and baked goods. This type of fat is linked to heart disease. In contrast, fats found in eggs, fish, milk or dairy products, and nuts are good for a balanced diet.


Control stress

Everyone in the world experiences stress, which causes muscle tension and increases heart rate. However, if this happens repeatedly and is not controlled, the risk of serious medical problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease increases. If you want to avoid stress, take deep breaths or do something that calms you down.


Minimize sugar consumption

The calories in sugar do not benefit the body, but rather cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall very rapidly. As a result, along with fatigue and irritability, hunger also increases, and overeating results in obesity.


Make physical activity a regular part of your life

Exercise improves your health and also has positive effects on your mental health. It doesn't have to be a very strenuous exercise; even one and a half to two and a half hours of moderate exercise per week can be beneficial. Take a brisk walk, climb the stairs, or do any physical activity that gets your heart rate up.


Eat green leafy vegetables

Spinach, greens, and other green leafy vegetables are high in nutrients that are beneficial for health. They are also low in calories and high in fiber, which keeps you feeling full for longer.


Adequate sleep

Lack of sleep increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression. Lack of sleep also increases the risk of accidents, so for good health, it is important to ensure 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.


Get out of the house

Sunlight helps set our body clock’s sleep patterns and encourages physical activity. Sunlight also provides the body with vitamin D, which is important for cell function, mental health, and heart health. But avoid staying in the sun for too long and use sunscreen when you go out.

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