What is Breast Cancer? breast cancer symptoms

 Breast Cancer- All the information you need to know

Breast cancer is a common disease that affects millions of women every year. If diagnosed early, it is not incurable. However, if diagnosed at an advanced stage, it becomes very difficult to treat and many patients die.

The rate of breast cancer increases at an alarming rate every year. According to the World Health Organization, two million women were diagnosed with the disease in 2020, while about seven million women died in the same year. The most common reason for the increase in breast cancer is that people are not aware of it.

The most common misconception about this disease is that it only affects women, when in reality this is not the case. Breast cancer can also affect men, but the rate of this disease is much lower in men than in women, so it is believed that it does not affect men.

 This blog has explained all the details, including the symptoms of breast cancer, which is very important for every man and woman to know.


Symptoms of Breast Cancer

People are not aware of the symptoms of breast cancer, due to which they ignore these symptoms, due to which the disease enters the final stage. If you have the following symptoms, be careful because these symptoms may be of breast cancer. 

  • A lump appears on the breast or in the armpit
  • Change in the size or texture of the breasts
  • Change in the skin of the breasts
  • A new nipple appears on the breast
  • The skin on the breasts begins to peel off
  • The skin on the breasts becomes red
  • Breast pain
  • Liquid discharge from the nipple, in some cases blood may also flow
  • Breast discomfort

These symptoms may be of breast cancer. Therefore, in case of their appearance, any specialist can be contacted, so that timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease can be possible. If breast cancer is diagnosed in the last stage, its treatment becomes very difficult.


Stages of Breast Cancer

According to oncologists, breast cancer is usually divided into four stages. If it is diagnosed in the first or second stage, it does not take a complicated form, but if it is diagnosed in the third or fourth stage, the disease takes a very complicated form.


Stage 1

In the first stage of breast cancer, a small lump forms in the breast and pain is also felt. At the first stage, this disease starts to damage the breasts.

 Stage 2

In the second stage of this disease, the size of the lump that appears in the breast or armpit starts to increase and the roots of this lump also start to spread. The size of the lump increases so much that it takes the shape of a walnut or a lemon.

 Stage 3

In the third stage of breast cancer, it starts affecting other parts of the body. During this stage, its effects reach the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are called the area around the neck and armpit. In addition, in the third stage, the effects of breast cancer start to appear on the outer skin.

 Stage 4

The fourth stage of this disease is considered the most dangerous. Stage 4 means that breast cancer has started affecting other parts of the body besides the breast, such as the bones, lungs, liver, and brain. If breast cancer is diagnosed at this stage, it becomes very difficult to save the patient's life.


Is it possible to diagnose breast cancer at home?

Breast cancer cannot be diagnosed at home. However, according to cancer experts, if women examine their breasts regularly, the disease can be diagnosed at an early stage.

According to cancer experts, the easiest way to check the breasts is for women to stand in front of a mirror at least once a week and see if there are any changes in their breasts. Women should rub their breasts and check if any lumps appear. If any lumps appear, women should immediately consult their doctor.

In addition, women should check their breasts for any changes in size, as any changes in breast size could be a possible sign of cancer.

Once breast cancer is diagnosed, it is usually treated with surgery or radiation therapy. These treatments are most effective when breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage.


Is it possible to prevent breast cancer?

If a mother suffers from breast cancer, there is a possibility that her children, especially daughters, will also suffer from this disease. Therefore, mothers who suffer from breast cancer should get their children checked regularly.

Many measures can be taken to prevent breast cancer. According to medical experts, if an unhealthy lifestyle is abandoned, the risks of this disease can be reduced. Apart from this, sleeping without underwear at night can also reduce the risks of this disease.

Breast cancer is spreading rapidly all over the world. Therefore, there is a need to spread awareness among people about it.


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